11.16.23-Innervisions by Stevie Wonder
Now I know what y'all are going to say reading this who are familiar with Wonder's stuff; Why Innervisions? I've been questioned on this before talking about Stevie Wonder and my preference is always met with "Why not Talking Book? Why not The Key Of Life?"
It's the strength of this album. It's the seamless blend of genre experimentation that musicians should study from, and if that didn't sell somebody maybe its the fact that Wonder played all of the instruments on most of the tracks.
Seven tracks out of the nine on Innervisions was Stevie.
It's mind-bending. THAT is excellence.
Innervisions is a pivotal moment in Wonder's music career that seprates Stevie Wonder from the 'Little Stevie Wonder' era where one can hear the maturity of the music itself, it just forms into this fine artistry that highlights what exactly makes Wonder's music so iconic, the synth latches onto you and sticks with you paired with these just absolutely chilling, powerful lyrics-The album puts the spotlight on the tragedy of drug abuse and systematic racism. This album since 73' has been one of the most important influences on soul itself.
Favorite Song-Living for the city
Recommended for first timers-Higher Ground. If you somehow never heard this song, I'm glad you made it here.
the vinyl
Onto the vinyl itself-
A 1976 pressing of this album under Tamla-Stein & Van Stock is quite nice. This is a reissue and does Innervisions better than any other release of this specific vinyl in a clarity that is absolutely impressive for a vinyl of its age in my opinion.
the bass quality in this press shines in Higher Ground especially like nothing else.